
The Constitution is the document that governs the Warriors Band. The current version includes specifications of the band's purpose, fees, executive positions, and election and impeachment processes.

Last Updated 2023

The band also had a constitution when it was a club under Feds. This version of the constitution was retired when the Band became an Athletics club once again.

Constitutional Role

The Constitution refers to the Executives as "Executive Officers", and includes the following guidance under that section:
The club is limited to 2 non-student executives; every other executive member must be a current student. The Chief Centurion must be a current UW student. All club executives will be elected, not hired or appointed. The term of office for all executive positions is one academic term. All non-instant club decisions (Not including: song choice, other quick decisions) will be made as a collective by executive vote; no one member may make decisions for the entire club.


In the 1171 term, the Band became a democracy, and a constitution was put into place. This constitution specified that elections must be held to determine the Band's executives. The first round of elections under this system were held for the 1175 term, although all the candidates were acclaimed as they ran unopposed. The first term in which an actual election was held was in 1181 for the role of Technomancer.

As of 1191, the Band has unofficially lapsed back into dictatorship, with all executive nominees being acclaimed again and the CCWB holding more and more power. This seems to be a more efficient method of government in times of lower interest in the Band.

Elections are still running, and the style is determined by the CCWB and how many people nominate themselves for a role. Elections are usually at the end of term.


Band fees are collected each term. As of the 1249 term, band fees are officially collected by Athletics.

Membership Fee

The membership fee is $15 and is done through the PAC Membership Portal.

Uniform Fees

Band uniforms can be bought for $10 for a band t-shirt and $20 for a band hoodie or jacket. Buying is not required, as the band allows members to borrow a shirt or jacket for events.

Equipment Rental Fee

Members from the Warriors Band and other various musical clubs can rent instruments through the Warriors Band for $10 a term. Otherwise, members of the Warriors Band can borrow an unrented instrument at practices/events.


Impeachment is a process for relieving an executive of their position.


As described by the Constitution, the steps for impeachment are as follows:

Nick Boyko is the only exec known to be impeached.

Safety Policy

The Warriors Band safety policy contains rules for the safe use of wearable instruments (i.e., the small bass drum, snare drums, and sousaphones), as well as the large bass drum. Its modern form was first drafted by the Executives of 1179.

Large Drum


General Guidelines

The Loopholes

Instant Executive

There is no constitutional standard set for the filling of empty executive roles. The process is covered under the meeting notes for 1171-80 and 1171-92.

1171-80 Meeting

During the meeting of 1171-80, the case of unfilled positions was discussed. It was decided that any members interested in a position would establish said interest by the end of the second week, at which point an election would be held.

1171-92 Meeting

In the meeting of 1171-92, the issue was discussed further in regards to the position of Quartermaster. It was discussed that if no member established interest before the second week, any member interested could take the position freely.


Due to this constitutional hole, it is reasonably possible for any member to take an executive position without an election after the 2nd week. In practice this is unlikely, as this was not the intention of the Constitution.

Deputy Chief Centurion

A further concern is the position of DCCWB, which can be held by multiple members. In theory, there could be an infinite number of DCCWBs, which is compounded by the Instant Executive loophole. In practice, the band is limited to one DCCWB not holding another executive position.

1175-121 Meeting

In the meeting of 1175-121, it was decided that acclaimed execs could mark their positions as interim at the start of term, thus triggering another election. If no one is to run, then the acclaimed exec shall resume their position.

Equipment Repair

The Equipment Repair Student (as defined by the Constitution) is a member who is appointed by the Quartermaster to repair or maintain equipment. It is a pseudo-executive position by the nature of the appointment, as well as the precedent set by the Executive of 1171, in which the Equipment Repair Student was considered a full voting Executive member.

USAF March

The USAF March is constitutionally required to be played for whatever home team is playing. This leads to a defiance of precedent at any away game, as the band would be required to play for the non-UW team.

Band Bases

Here are some notable places where the Warriors Band has settled in the past.

Storage Room

Storage Room
Storage Room
The Warriors Band uses the Storage Room to store instruments, music, and other equipment. In the past it was also known as The Band Closet.


The entire inventory of the band wass contained within the Storage Room (PAC 1001C). A census of the contents was most recently undertaken in the intersession between 1171 and 1175.

Later on the storage room became PAC 2012 which upgraded the band from a crawlspace to an actual locker. There are also stories of items being stored in the cages of PAC 1101.


During 1161, the shelving in the Storage Room (PAC 1001C)was upgraded by Matt Weston. The shelves have been reorganized on multiple occasions. When the band switched rooms it is unknown where most of the shelving units came from.

The images show the current storage room and a photo from when the band was moving stuff from PAC 1001C to PAC 2012.

Band House

34 High Street on Google Maps in 2015
The Band House is housing in which multiple Warriors Band members live, likely as the only occupants. In the past, the Band House has also functioned as: No Band House currently exists as of 1179.

34 High Street

During the 1169, 1171, and 1175 terms, five band members lived in the basement of a detached house at 34 High Street in Waterloo: Nicholas Boyko, Onie Tam, Thomas Broadley, Gaetan Boué (1169 and 1171), and Gavin Leibovitz (1175, former member).

Practice Locations

Here are the documented Practice Locations the band has been:

PAC 1001

The home base of the band. Most practices in the band's history have been here.

PAC 2021

In the years 122X-1245, PAC 2021 was given to the band as practice space due to conflicts and renovations of PAC 1001.

PAC Staircase

In front of the stairs in PAC West was where the band first started practicing. The Drumline followed suit by practicing in front of PAC South Stairs in the warmer months of 1249.

DC 1350

The practice room for the Drumline's first term. The following term they would also get PAC 1001.

The Website

The website of the Warriors Band is primarily the place where members get information about the band and has contact information to allow people to contact the band and its social medias. The Technomancer provides technical support for maintaining the website, but updating its content is the collective responsibility of the executive team.

Formerly at, the website now resides at

Pre-Johann Era

First Version

The Wayback Machine suggests that the first version of the website was set up for the 35th Anniversary Reunion in 2002. It included a link to RSVP to the event and a photo gallery of the reunion. A WHOIS lookup for reveals that the domain was registered on June 11, 2001.

According to the Wayback Machine, this version was down from time to time in 2003 due to routing issues.

Second Version

The second version of the website appears to have been made live in October 2005. It was designed to be a more permanent website online home for the band.

This version had pages for events, history, and a photo gallery. It used Flash for interactive and dynamic elements.

Third Version

The third version of the website, whose look was heavily inspired by the previous version, was a custom PHP application written by Computer Whiz Paul Hendry and hosted on a server in Steve Hayman's basement. The code is available on GitHub under warriorsband/ and pshendry/warriorsband. This version of the website allowed its members to RSVP to events. However, it required its administrators to manually create accounts for each member. A photo gallery that showcased some photos of the band and pages that documented a selection of the band's history were also present.

By 1145, this version had become unstable. Presumably as a consequence of being a hobby server in a basement, the website would be down for periods of time. This version was last left being unable to connect to its database.

Johann's Website

Johann's Website Design
This version of the website was set up by Johann Tutor in 1149. It is a WordPress installation hosted on CS Club servers. This version was largely inspired by the previous version, aiming to include most of the features and content but refresh the look to be more "modern". Like the previous version, this version allowed its members to RSVP to events. Unlike the previous version, members have the ability to create their own accounts; all that is needed is an invitation code, which is given out in the first few weeks of each term. Like the previous version, members can, in their profiles, specify what term and program they are currently in, whether they are on campus and will be attending events, and any other personal information they would like to share.

The About page and the history pages were copied from the previous version with improved formatting. The old photo gallery was not used, and a new one was put in its place.

Additionlly, this version also has a social area where members can share public status messages and send each other private messages.

In 1171, a new section was added to enable members to vote during elections.

Johann's Wiki

Johann's Wiki
The wiki was an addition to the website in 1175, with preparations being done in the weeks before the term started. It was also set up by Johann Tutor.

After seeing that new history pages had not been written, especially for events like the 50th anniversary reunion, CCWB Nicholas Boyko suggested that the Band should have a wiki so that the Band's members can contribute these pages, making it a collective responsibility.

Post-Migration Website

The Barebones Site
Shortly after Johann's website and wiki were active, the website and wiki had to be taken down. Due to CS Club policies, using WordPress was not allowed. After getting the pages removed, the wiki was just a relic in time, and the website was made to be extremely barebones until someone came around to update it. The barebones site had direct links to Discord and Instagram that did not work as well as the most basic information about the band (what we are, practice times/locations) , a good chunk of it outdated.

Eva's Website Update

Eva's Updated Site
In 1241 Eva Pearson became the technomancer with the set purpose of updating the website. Taking elements from the Post-Migration Website, she created a version of the site with updated information with more context to the band. She also repaired the links to social media and other parts of the site and made the pictures look nicer.

This version also contained a slideshow of band photos. The "W-A-R-R-I-O-R-S Hail Warriors!" is moving across the top of the Find Us page. This was her first time making a website project in HTML. It was a little crude.

Eva's Updated Site V2
In 1251 Eva Updated the site to give it a clean and modern look.

Eva's Wiki Recreation

The Newborn Wiki
After the update to the website at the band's request, Eva was to start the recreation of the wiki, which you are currently viewing. This version of the wiki has yellow text for  sidebar links and the outline of the search function to fit the Warriors Band theme (black and white come from the content). There is also a homemade wiki logo as well as a link to a suggestion form. Using the Wayback Machine to look at Johann's wiki was the foundation for most design and information of the current wiki.

WordPress allowed people to create accounts to update the site. With the CS Club, members cannot do that, so for regular maintenance, there is a form that members can fill out so The technomancer can make those updates/changes to the wiki.