
This webpage will go over some context for our most played songs. The actual music pdfs can be found through our Discord .


To start things off the format of our music books is very delibrate. All game pieces are on the odd numbers and all show pieces are even numbers. The lower the number on the game pieces the more often we play it. With the way the book is formatted the opposite is true for show pieces. This allows the band to change to the proper music quickly to keep the music going.

The Black White and Gold Song

The Black and White and Gold is the official school song of the University of Waterloo. It is on page 1 of the songbook.

When it is played:

As the official school song, "The Black and White and Gold" is the most frequently played song by the Band. The Constitution specifies that the song should be played before and after every event at which the Band attends.

During practice, it is played at normal speed at the start of practice, and it is tradition to play the School Song as fast as possible to close practice (the tempo marking is 140 to infinity). On the final practice of a term, it is also tradition to have any graduating members stand in the middle and sing the song while the rest of the Band plays at the end of practice; in this case, the song is played at normal speed.


We are proud of Waterloo
Let our words ring loud and clear
We will always honour you
Our alma mater dear

Waterloo, we hail thee
May we e'er uphold
All the things you stand for
Black and white and gold!
Waterloo, we hail thee
Black and white and gold!
(With some red trim!)*

W, A, R, R, I, O, R, S!

*Note that this is not part of the official lyrics but it's often sang by graduating members.

Waterloo Waterloo

Waterloo Waterloo is the unofficial school song. It is one of the two songs on page 3.

This song was origianlly created by the cheerleaders and it was so corny it got scrapped, but the band was not going to let the cheerleaders forget what they had made.

When it is played:

This song is usually played at the start of band practice after The Black White and Gold Song. At sporting events it is usually played at the first pause the band is allowed to play in.

During practice the band plays the song a total of 2 times to go through all the lyrics. At games the song is ran through once.



Waterloo, Waterloo, dum dum dum de dum
Waterloo, Waterloo, dum dum dum de dum
We dum de dum dum deeee
and dum de dum dum dah
[music that plays after each verse]


Laurier, Laurier, we phhhhhft* to Laurier
U of T, U of T, we phhhhhft* to UofT
We phhhhhft* to Brock and Guelph
and phhhhhft* to York and Mac
Western U
Windsor too
(All of you) [music that plays after every verse]**

And Lakehead, but especially Western***.

*Note that a thumbs down must be shown while pfting
**Note that "All of you" is optional and is said/sang by someone while the end of verse music is playing.
***Western can also be replaced by current opponent.

Hail to the Warriors

This is the other song on page 3.

When is it played:

This song is usually played after Waterloo Waterloo during practice. Other than that it follows the same rule as all other game pieces.


This song has many variations of the lyrics:

Hail To The Warriors (from now on abreviated as H.T.T.W.)
Steadfast and true
They'll reign victorious
So fight for Waterloo

Hail Victory
Hail the size of golf balls
Comes twice as frequently

Beat Laurier
They offer mathematics
But only for B.A.s

Beat Western U
We're not afraid of horses
So let's make purple glue

McMaster the foe
Let's make McNuggets
And package them to go

Beat Calgary
Brains the size of walnuts
Extinct for centuries

Beat U of T
They have a lousy football program
Alas, but so do we

Through wind, sleet,or rain
It doesn't matter
We're going to win this game

Beat the Golden Hawks
We educate our athletes
They just make theirs jocks

Playing the Golden Hawks
We might as well go home now
They're going to clean our clocks

Beat the Golden Gaels
They're a bunch of preppies
So throw them all in jail

Beat Windsor U
They are close to Detroit
Better them, than me or you

Beat U of Goo (Guelph)
They have cheerleaders
But all they say is MOOO

Beat St.F.X
They are so celibate
They hardly think of ... food

United States Air Force

Abreviated to USAF, this is the official song of the U.S. Air Force. It is the song on page 5.

When is it played:

By Constitution the band must play this song on loop after the start of play at every basketball game until the first basket by the home team is made. If an injury happens the band will stop playing the instruments and hum or "dum" the song instead to resume playing instruments when everything is in the clear.

Don't Worry Be Happy

This is the Bands losing song. It is found on page 7 and was originally sung by Bob Marley.

you will notice that this song comes before the victory song. That is because this one is played more often.

There are also optional lyrics that one can shout instead of playing in the last row of the music.

When it is played:

After the team loses a game the band will play The Black White and Gold Song to end the game and then will go into this song as the crowd leaves.

Notre Dame Victory March

This is the Bands Victory Song. It is found on page 9

When is it played:

After the team wins a game the band will play The Black White and Gold Song to end the game and then will go into this song as the crowd leaves.

Old Time Rock and Roll

Also known as Old Time, this is a show piece on page 40.

When is it played:

This song is a showpiece so it will be played at events like concert band intermission or at halftime during games.


The difference between Old Time and other show peices is that Old Time contains a mini in band competetion. There is a repeated section at the end. When the band first starts playing the repeated part the band will increase their volume by a significant amount. Once it's time to repeat that is where the competetion begins.
The rules are:

During practice the winner gets a Warriors Band rain poncho.
At concert band the audience gets to vote for which section is the loudest. Winners get bragging rights in this case.